Working class student – a student who is the first in their immediate family to wish to study at university. Someone who has upward mobility and who has the desire to have a better life than their parents. A student who has to had to sacrifice a lot of things to be at university and able to complete their course.
Saviourism – using research or interventions as a way of ‘saving’ working class students from being working class. Showing them off as though they’re rare and meant to be stared at as an illustration of diversity.
Upward Social Mobility – the goal of wanting a better life than the one that your parents have had, especially in terms of the career you choose to enter into.
LPN – Low Participation Neighbourhood. Students who come from an area that has the least number of students entering higher education are referred to as coming from a LPN.
Imposter phenomenon/syndrome – Imposter syndrome, originally called imposter phenomenon, is the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.
Arts education environment – a university which solely teaches creative subjects