After changing direction (again) and finally settling on a question that I’m happy with and excited about, I sent a survey to my classmates. I only had 11 responses, which is a shame but I think the results are very interesting.

I find the written responses the most interesting, especially the ones that mention class being defined for them, and not actively defining their own class. I think that this is what feeds into working class people feeling as though they are not allowed to have aspirations or dreams to live a better life than their parents. We talk about a glass ceiling within certain industries that women have to break through but I am curious as to whether there is a similar thing in society when it comes to class…
I think that to improve this survey I should have asked my participants’ gender identity too, seeing as my research question is currently targeted towards female students from working class backgrounds. However as a small research tool I think I can be fairly happy with this survey and the results I have from it.