Last tutorial. I don’t know where the term has gone!
Aside from various troubleshooting questions, David said something that really stuck with me. He asked how I’ve kept my creativity alive, whilst studying this MA.
And to be completely honest, I haven’t. I’ve been so focused on doing well with the course that I’ve forgotten to create things just for me. My creative spark has kind of died recently and David asked how I’m going to get it back. The last time this happened I took self portraits every day for a year … and that got me thinking. It got me thinking about my BA dissertation on the use of self portraiture as a therapeutic tool, and maybe I can connect that to my project.
In thinking about the conclusion to my evaluative report and the research that I have conducted, I think there is an argument for using creative interventions to empower students. After all, my stakeholders are students in art schools! And what better use of creativity than to make people feel better and empowered. I know that I don’t have long left before my project is assessed but I think I can tie this into my project in time. Maybe one last intervention, testing whether this would work or not.
I also realised that I’ve been neglecting an element of my research – the arts education environments. I don’t know why I’ve forgotten to ask people about them so I’m going back to the people I’ve interviewed and asking about their experiences in arts based universities in the UK.
David and I spoke about my theory that art schools are weird – nowhere else in society will you be in a building full of thousands of creatives. There is an expectation of exploding out into the world when you graduate with a phone full of contacts and a successful career ahead of you. I think this expectation is even more when you’re a working class student – you’ve chosen to study a creative subject instead of the norm for people who are like you. So there is even more pressure to succeed and prove people wrong.

After the tutorial I took myself to a coffee shop and just tried to absorb everything that David and I had discussed. I realised how far I’ve come, even just in the last couple of months. And I realised that I’m far more capable that I ever would have imagined – I’ve taught myself video editing, and talked to people who scare me. I’ve put myself out there and been rejected. I’ve been vulnerable with my tutors and my stakeholders and I’ve not fallen apart. I’ve had failures and successes. But after everything, I’m still standing. And I’ve created a project that I’m proud of and one that I think has the potential to help a lot of people.
Action Points
- Go back to people I’ve interviewed and ask about their experience of the art education environment that they studied in
- Think about how creative interventions could be a solution moving forwards
- Finish blog posts and actually publish them instead of keeping them in my drafts (sorry David, I know I said my blog would be up to date by now)
- Rewrite evaluative report – finish it by Friday 25th November to leave time for last minute editing
- Find my creative spark again